7 Tips to Move More and Stay Healthy

7 Tips to Move More and Stay Healthy

So, you’ve been told to move more to stay healthy, right? But what does that actually mean in this hustle bustle world of full-time jobs, kids, appointments, and must-do’s that take up most of our daily time.

Moving more, doesn’t have to mean impacting any of your normal daily routines, it can simply mean doing things a little differently every day and incorporating more fun-time on your feet and less bum-time on the couch.

In this blog, we’ve created seven easy-to-follow tips on how to move more at home. From creating a home fitness routine to drinking more water, with these seven ways to move more, you’ll be able to increase your activity levels and begin to see results in no time at all.

7 Tips On How To Move More During The Day

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working woman, a professional man or a stay-at-home dad, these tips are easy to incorporate into your weekly schedule and will enable you to have fun at the same time.

Tip #1 – Make Chores Fun With Music

From packing the dishwasher to hanging up the washing, make your chores fun by putting on some music and dancing a little while you do it. You’ll add in a lot of extra steps while you move and your mood will be instantly lifted too. Rope in your partner or kids into the mix too and see how much fun chores can actually be with a little music.

Tip #2 - Find an Activity You Enjoy and Stick With It

Never take up an activity or sport because you’ve been told it’s good for you. Running is a great activity, but it’s not for everyone. Find what you love to do whether it’s running, hiking, gardening, playing padel, dancing, or playing tennis, and stick with it. Schedule in regular times during your week to do this activity and you’ll start to love and look forward to it in no time.

Tip #3 - 10 Minutes of Exercise Each Day Can Make a Difference

Experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise a day as standard, but the reality is sometimes finding the time to do that can be hard. Simply making sure you move for 10 minutes a day can make a difference to your body and mind. If you can’t get out for your usual activity, put on some music and dance in your bedroom to a few songs to get your heart rate up.

Tip #4 - Join a Fitness Class or Team Sport to Stay Motivated

If you struggle to stay motivated, consider joining a gym, fitness class, or team sport to try and stay motivated by other people. When you know a team or a trainer is waiting for you, you’ll be more likely to make sure you don’t miss that class or appointment.

Tip #5 -Drink Plenty of Water and Avoid Sugary Drinks

While moving more is essential, there are two healthy eating tips that you can follow daily to improve your overall health too. Start by drinking more water daily, experts suggest around 2 – 3L of water per day and avoid sugary drinks all together. The more activity you do, the thirstier you’ll become. Give your body what it needs in terms of hydration like water rather than sugary drinks, caffeine, or alcohol.

Tip #6 - Play Around with the Kids or Your Pets

When you get home after a busy day, it can be easy to rather order in and sit down on the couch, right? Try and avoid doing that and rather suggest a game of touchers or hide and seek with the kids for a few minutes, or put on some music and have a dance-off with them. If you have pets, go and throw the ball for them for a few minutes or take them for a walk to your local park for some fresh air. This is one of the easiest daily fitness routines at home to follow, that doesn’t require any equipment.

Tip #7 - Learn How to Dance with Videos

If you’re a techy-type person, use your favourite apps like TikTok or Twitter to help you move more. Put on some learn to dance videos or reels and learn a new dance routine. This will help you move more and have fun in the process.

How To Avoid Odours When Being More Active

So, moving more is a top priority for you, but you’re worried that you’re going to sweat more and therefore have more body odour then before, right? Well. Luckily for you Shield’s Motion Activated body sprays are motion activated, which means the more you move the more it works. So, no matter how active you are in the day, you’ll smell fresh and fragranced all day long. Find out how Shield Motion Activated body sprays work. Shield, move with confidence.


What are the health benefits of moving more?

Moving more will help you to lose weight, gain muscle, gain endurance, improve your mood, and enhance your sense of wellbeing.

How do you do your fitness routine at home?

You don’t need an at home gym to move more at home. Find an easy fitness routine at home to follow that uses the equipment you have and the space you have too.

Can I get fit doing home workouts?

Yes, you can. Start with what you have in terms of equipment, time and space and progress from there. The point is to move more than you did before.